Spruce Up Your Website for the New Year

  Online Church Solutions

January 2016

Website Builder and Church Management Software
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Spruce Up Your Church Website for the New Year

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Happy New Year 2016! As another year begins, take a moment to review your church or ministry website. It's a great idea to look at your website with fresh eyes, thinking of how a new visitor to your church might view it. We offer just a few essential items to make sure to include on your front page:

  1. Map and Directions: This is one of the most important pieces of information a new visitor needs, so it's best placed on your front page—or make sure you have a clear link on the front that takes visitors to that information. If you have a website with Online Church Solutions, you already have access to a Top Slidedown Panel. This feature clicks from the top of every page on your website, automatically creating a Map from your map location, a Contact section for phone, email and physical address, plus a third section that can be used for Service Times, a brief Welcome, or whatever information you'd like people to easily access.

  2. Update Contact Info: Nothing is more frustrating to a visitor than to use a contact method or information and it doesn't work. Take a moment to review your website with regarding phone numbers, email addresses, and even old information (End of Summer Picnic?). Click on links within your website to make sure they do what they're supposed to do, and send a test email through your Contact or other forms to make sure a visitor contact is being received by the right email address in your church.

  3. Consider a "What to Expect" Page: If your church doesn't already have one, a "What to Expect" page can be a helpful way for visitors to your church feel comfortable about attending your services. Explaining dress attire, style of worship or even where to park gives people the confidence to attend your service without feeling awkward. Need some inspiration? Check out this Visitor Page from one of our churches, Greenwood Baptist Church in South Carolina.
From the Blog, Recent Updates

Share Your Church Email Newsletter to Facebook


Email newsletters are a fast and cost-saving way to communicate everything happening at your church or ministry. Here at OCS we've included an email newsletter tool in every account, and now we're pleased to announce that you can quickly share your newsletter to Facebook. It's a great way for visitors to your Facebook page to see the most up-to-date news, even if they're not yet subscribed to your newsletter. When you're ready to share, just go to the "Edit Newsletter" screen and click on the "Share on FB" at the far right.


Online Church Solutions

Helping churches since 2012

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