You receive unlimited email accounts when you're our client. Because we're also your webhost (place where your website will "live"), we can give you secured and encrypted email accounts using your own domain name. For instance, let's say your church website domain name is "www.YourChurchName.com". This means you can have email addresses such as "Pastor@YourChurchName.com", "Susan@YourChurchName.com" or however you need your email accounts to be addressed. Each email account gets 500MB storage space.
We even offer tutorial videos on how to set up each of your accounts. You can add and delete email accounts, plus you can reset each account’s password. Additionally, you can forward emails from one account to others (for example, emails to the email account “musicministry@yourchurch.org” can be forwarded to all the private emails of the musicians).
Also, your email is available through secured and encrypted webmail access; if you’re away from your personal computer, you can check your email by logging in through any internet browser. Going out of town? We offer you autoresponders, those emails that pop back to a sender to let them know you're away until next Monday.
This robust tool is included in your Annual Online Church Solutions Price.